About Me

Hello & Welcome!

Welcome to my quick story of travel and my life!

I am Anya, from Ukraine, but a citizen of the world. For many years, I worked different jobs trying to find myself and find a career that could inspire and grow me as a person.

In the early stages of my life, I devoted a few years to a leading accounting company and then private equity in Kyiv, Ukraine. But later I realized that I wanted to challenge myself and start something very different, so I left everything behind and went to the US as an au-pair. In the United States, I got a chance to stay longer after the au-pair program and later on become a citizen.

Over almost 10 years that I spent in America, I constantly challenged myself through various jobs (as a live-in nanny, professional nanny for a high-profile family, and then hotel professional) just to realize that I wanted to start my own business online, work remotely, return to Ukraine and be free to travel as much as I want.

my story of travel in Munich
first time in Dubai

So in August of 2017, together with my husband Mark, I left the US to pursue this goal and document our travel journeys on this blog. That step led to the opportunity to turn this site into a full-time business and plan my life around travel.

Today, I am finally ready to say that I do what I love and there are no plans to look for another career. I have finally found that perfect opportunity that helps me pay my bills, fund my travels, and simply enjoy every single minute in front of my laptop.

I also travel a lot but at my own pace. Together with Mark, we love to travel to a new destination for at least a few months to be able to explore it in depth. We love to combine independent travel with housesitting opportunities. And we love to go off the beaten path in the off-season.

This is why all posts I write are always full of lesser-known corners and places that are not on the radar of many travelers.

canyon in Turkey
Romantic Cappadocia

As we lived in Turkey and until this day we spend there a few months every year, I focus a lot on it on the blog. Other regions I pay a lot of detail to are Montenegro, Georgia, UAE, and of course my home country Ukraine. But I also write a lot about road trips (my favorite type of travel!), tips for renting a car in different countries around the world, and just all destinations we go to as we keep on exploring this wonderful world.

Some of my favorite countries among those I visited are Turkey, Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Spain, and certainly the United States where, by the way, I visited 46 states and lived in 5 states on different coasts.

Besides travel-related content, I write inspirational posts for people who are going through personal difficulties and share some experiences about living abroad as well as jobs that help to travel. Sometimes I also do freelance writing on the side and offer itinerary planning to help others plan their dream holiday.

In the fourth month of the war in Ukraine, Mark and I made a decision to leave the country and find a temporary home somewhere else while helping the army and people of Ukraine from a distance and believing that we will be able to return home soon.

From the moment we left and until present time, we don’t have any permanent base. Instead, we are slowly moving through Europe for now but thinking of possibly purchasing a home in one of the countries where we lived. In the meantime, we also travel and I continue to publish about the world of travel and inspiration because that’s what gives me the energy to move forward.

About Road is Calling

When this blog was born (in January 2018), the idea was not to start it as a diary with personal stories. The first and foremost goal was to create it as a resource for travelers like me who don’t like to rush through things but appreciate very detailed, full of adventurous travel.

I had to learn SEO (by investing money and time into it) and marketing, do tons of research and improve my writing skills (considering the fact that English is my second language).

Until this day I continue to learn and experiment with ideas, photography, and writing style. But in all my posts I always stick to being honest, straightforward, and a little bit funny.

I take pride in creating all of my trips. I do thorough research on a destination I go to and include a lot of activities. At the same time, I am a spontaneous traveler who plans her trip at the last minute and always scores the lowest price.

Mark and I are mid-range budget travelers who love a combination of luxurious and budget trips. We can’t refuse ourselves a stay in a luxury hotel but at the same time, we are pretty comfortable couchsurfing. Today we can be renting a luxury car in one of the most expensive cities in the world but next month we’ll be sharing one sandwich for two while on a distant hike hiding from the rain.

story of travel of roadiscalling
One of those rare moments when we are together in one photo… on that hike when we got caught in the rain in Mestia Svaneti, Georgia country

We are comfortable with all types of travel experiences as far as they make us happy and don’t compromise our safety.

And in the end, I love to write about them on the blog, sharing my best tips and recommendations.

Having said that, I try this site to be a useful resource for travelers. By pouring my energy into writing extensive guides that cover a topic broadly, I bring a unique perspective to familiar destinations and promote hidden gems.

An Ultimate Message From Me to You:

Life experiences are far more valuable than things will ever be. Don’t be afraid to lose sight of the shore and discover new oceans.

Turn moments into memories by having the courage to leave your comfort zone and see the world through new eyes. Travel slowly and qualitatively. Do not be in a hurry to see it all because beauty is everywhere.

And the last thing…

Not all glitter is gold. There are good and bad sides to each destination I visit or live in, and I like to reflect on that (like here in the post about Cambodia, for example.) Nice photos and positive stories are great to share, but I try to show the reality of each place.

I have no desire to hop through the world trying to tick every country off my list. Instead, I prefer to go deep and far by returning to the same destination to pursue travel experiences that I missed the first time or enjoy those little things that matter most. And if there is a negative experience along the way, I take it as a lesson.

Linderhof palace near Oberammergau

I am very happy you stopped by and hope to see you here again! Please let me know if you have any questions or need assistance with booking your trip. You can do it through my contact page.

Follow Me

I try to post regularly on Instagram (although I am not a fan of it) and do it mainly through stories. Occasionally I also post on Facebook. But personal stories together with details about our plans and life are mainly shared through my monthly newsletter. You can sign up for it here.

Oh, I also have Pinterest where I share the latest travel tips and inspiration!